Our Commitment to Our Clients During the Coronavirus Disease Crisis

Structured Settlements Enable the Newly Injured to Live with Dignity, Independence, and Freedom from Reliance on Government (NSSTA and AAPD)

What should I know before giving up my monthly disability, personal injury or structured settlement payments in exchange for a one-time lump sum payment? (CFPB)

Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Financial security for the golden years (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Reducing financial risk in your middle years (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Financial security when your whole life is in front of you (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: In Their Own Words - Injury Victims & Financial Security (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Compare the advantages. It’s your future! (NSSTA)

An American hero on civil rights & structured settlements (NSSTA)

Security and Stability to Last a Lifetime (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Financial Security for Your Future, Guaranteed. (NSSTA)

Structured Settlement Annuities: Safe, Secure and Highly Regulated (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements for Minors: Financial Security After a Child’s Accident (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: Helping claimants and their families achieve financial security (Prudential)

Structured Settlements and Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim (NSSTA)

Protect your government benefits with a special needs trust (NSSTA)

Structured Settlements: A Solution for Workers’ Compensation Claims (NSSTA)